Mingo Creek County Park
June 2015
Later on our loop hike, coming back closer to trailhead, we descend a hill with an expansive field to one side. To the other, at a break in the sycamore, hemlock, dogwood, oak and maple, we can see a house with an outdoor swimming pool. This summer day, walking past this house, we discern, there beside the pool on a chaise lounge, lounging, a young woman in a bikini, taking advantage of the warm sun. My opinion? Excellent idea.
A few months later on this same loop hike, Bikini Girl — we kind of feel like we have gotten to know her a bit — we call her “B G” — is a hoped for feature today. Lisa is indifferent. Ahh, there she is. I for one appreciate the view, only insofar as she uses sunscreen.
Then we have a long dry spell. B G is not in her lounge chair for the next several summer seasons, but so strong an impression she made, that we always look for her.
On the most recent occasion of this hike, the same hike where we were verbally accosted by SpongeBob Hiker Guy [http://asiwentwalking.com/snake-butt/] we come down the hill as always, look to the right and there is… Well, it isn’t B G. Or at least it isn’t our B G. Rather than describe what we see, nor show you a photograph, I will liken it to an experience you have either had, or which you should not have had. Does the phrase “plumber’s crack” hold any meaning for you?
It is unknown to us who this man is, but his activity, facing away from us, bent over tending to his garden, was also “B G.” Butt Guy. A sad and ironic turn of fate for these two hikers.
As the Gibbs — Maurice, Robin and Barry advise us in song…
And now it’s all right, it’s okay
And you may look the other way.
You know, don’t you, that these three brothers are better known as the B Gs… I mean, the Bee Gees.