Black Forest Trail
June 2006
After 9.8 miles, we are back at trailhead, leisurely loading our gear into the back of the car. I hear peeping in the nearby brush. I look over to see a subtle rustling of the boot-high grass. I take a tentative step toward the commotion. It is at this moment that I get attacked.
Oh wait, it’s a grouse. I’m being attacked by a grouse! It’s the size and shape of a large brown spotted pear and she’s jumping up onto my leg. And then bouncing right off. This happens several times. On one jump she actually makes it as high as my jacket. Whoomp!

I’m surprised and impressed by this brave little chick, ineffective as she is. Then we see her little grouselets come scampering any which way out of the brush. Protective mother. Our state bird, the ruffed grouse. Mom of the year.