All Over the Place
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Two things made this difficult.
The first is that on some days, when I felt ill and barely had energy to keep moving, I was able to make it around the block.
The second was carving out the time, especially on travel days. So it became day or night or pre-dawn light.
One thing made it easy. I walked.
Existentialist Søren Kierkegaard once said to me, “Thus if one just keeps on walking everything will be all right.”
Another thing made it easy. Lisa walked with me on most of my hikes. Like a good pair of boots, she offered excellent support.
I started walking on June 01 and I haven’t stopped. Not non-stop of course, but every day since then, I have spent some time ambulating around the neighborhood, hiking up and down mountains, slogging through mud and dirt and sand and snow, tripping the light fantastic on grass fields and well-worn trails, wherever I was able to hike.
A millennium of days.
This is Day #1000, which is to say, when I set foot on the trail this morning, it became 1000 hiking days in a row.
Another walk tomorrow. Here we go.