Blue Ridge Parkway
May 2011
During our trip to the Dakotas five weeks ago, thunderstorms were predicted every day. Didn’t happen.
We have just summited Mount Mitchell in North Carolina where we had roughly three drops of water.
Now it is time to come home. We’ve chosen a slower but far more picturesque route through the mountains: the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia.
All the thunderstorms we were warned about over the past five weeks, in these different locations, came to naught. Or maybe they just all chose to save up to congregate here on our drive north. I don’t think they do that but weather is complicated.

Heavy rains, rolling in waves. Lisa is driving, as usual, and Lisa drives fast. The rain is thick, flashes of lightning reflect off the water, I think the car skids a bit. I squirm in my passenger seat. I mumble something about not doing a glissade. Lisa says, “I didn’t hydroplane, honey. I just couldn’t see.” That comforts me?